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File Created: 07-Apr-1993 by Moira T. Smith (MTS)
Last Edit:  17-Mar-2009 by Sarah Meredith-Jones (SMJ)

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Name ICE BRIDGE Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 114P062
Status Showing NTS Map 114P12E
Latitude 059º 39' 27'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 137º 38' 15'' Northing 6616221
Easting 351394
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

The Ice Bridge showing was discovered by British Columbia Geological Survey crews in 1992. It consists of a stratiform, mainly disseminated sulphide horizon in a dominantly sedimentary portion of the Upper Triassic (Norian) Middle Tats division of the Tats Group. In the vicinity of the Ice Bridge showing, the Middle Tats division consists primarily of calcareous to cherty arigllite and siltstone interbedded with massive to pillowed basalt flows. The clastic rocks contain fine-grained pyrrhotite laminate 0.5 to 2 millimetres thick that contain variable amounts of chalcopyrite. Over intervals of a few centimetres the sulphide content is up to ten per cent. Analyses of samples from this occurrence return up to 0.46 per cent copper, 0.41 per cent zinc. One zone of mineralization is roughly 30 metres by 5 metres wide, and may be repeated by folding. With the exception of slight silicification, no significant alteration accompanied mineralization.

The laminated nature of the mineralization, argillaceous host rocks, and high zinc values distinguish the Ice Bridge showing from the nearby Rainy Monday showing (114P 094) and Windy Craggy deposit (114 002). The Ice Bridge may represent a stratigraphically higher level than the latter two occurrences and may represent a waving phase of sulphide desposition.

EMPR FIELDWORK *1992, pp. 217-228
EMPR OF 1993-13; 1999-2
EMPR PF (Mihalynuk, M. and MacIntyre, D.. Letter: New discovery of massive sulphide lens: The Rainy Monday)
GSC OF 2191
EMPR PFD 700075